Dear Friends and Family :)
We can`t do Google hangout but you can put Rachelle next to the computer on the telephone :P that didn`t work very well with Ryan for the Mother's Day call but oh well haha tell her I still love her :)
So plans have changed we are going to call between 5:00 and 6:00 Chile time depending on the circumstances if we have 2 computers or not and the so forth. So sorry if you already made plans but there were transfers so plans changed :P
Can`t believe that Garrett is home already!
BEST WHITE CHRISTMAS EVER!!!!! :) Bo, Jessie and Blake Vincelet were sealed!
So this week was transfers. I got transferred to the Belloto Stake in the Aldebaran Ward. Its actually in the same chapel that I was in when I was in Pais de Gales at the beginning of my mission :P But now the Pais de Gales Ward is meeting in the Huanhuali building instead of this building so I don`t get to see all my converts and people I used to know, but I can see their houses from the boarders of the sector :P Now I´m with Elder Powner from Colorado, a very animated Elder. We are going to get along just great.
This week the lesson that I learned is that leaders are normal people with additional responsibilities. I can´t remember if I told you this last week, but for Chirstmas President Kähnlien gave us all a Book of Mormon! We are going to read the Book of Mormon 4 times this year as a mission trusting in the promise that we will be brought closer to God by abiding by its precepts and that way we will be able to bring more and more souls to Christ this year when we are really personally converted to the gospel. I testify that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that we can receive revelation for our own lives by reading and applying the principles.
Love you all, Merry Christmas! Remember the true spirit of CHRISTmas (service).
All is well,
Elder Hall
P.S. Have you done your part to invite someone to come closer to Christ before Christmas as Elder Ballard asked every member of the church to do?
Did Elder Tinney send you fotos today? cuz my camera still doesn`t have batteries :P
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