Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29 2012

Dear Friends and Family!! :)
Happy Birthday ELLIE !! :)
Cultural Notes:
I´m actually surprised at how many white people there are here :P I´m taller than most of the people, but there are also people taller than me. Almost all of the people have darker skin and dark black hair. For that reason, they call me blond :P But other than that, I don´t really stick out too much :P
And no Mother, people don´t stop me to ask me about America. They have TV and the internet, so they think they already know everything about America :P
The desserts here are kinda lame :P Cream of Wheat with jam or honey is a dessert :P
None of the windows have screens, so flies are always in the houses which is really distracting during lessons :P Especially now that it's turning into summer, they try to get inside into the cool air.
The houses here are a little weird. They are all in rows right next to each other - literally. There is only one wall between one house and the other. No space :P Our apartment is actually a house. It has three stories, it's taller than it is wide though :P Each floor is probably 9x16 feet.

¿What phone does Father have that has an Earthquake App? You mean the IPod? :P No, I didn´t feel that earthquake. It was in Valparaiso and only a 5.2. But I heard there was one in Canada¿!? Talk about earthquakes in diverse places :P

The `training´ program is the first 12 weeks, or the first two transfers in the field. They have a study guide that Elder Lastra and I are suppose to follow. To do this, we are supposed to study an additional hour as a companionship and do an hour, instead of a half an hour, of language study. This also includes a few very short online training courses :P

All the Elders that I talk to tell me that my Spanish is good, and all the natives that I talk to say the same :) BUT even though I feel pretty comfortable communicating I still loose my words sometimes, and don´t know how to say certain things. Mostly because my whole vocabulary is based in the gospel. Conversations outside of the gospel are very simple :P

Elder Lastra and I teach well together. I don´t talk as much as he does in the lessons; but I´m not so much following anymore, but rather helping. Still not to the point that it's 50/50, but he isn´t doing everything :P

Villa Allemana is more interior than Viña and Valparaiso. On a map it would be in-between Valparaiso and Santiago. So no, I don't get to see the ocean. I wouldn´t call this area beautiful or the slums :P I have nothing to compare it to, so I don´t know. I´ll tell you when I get transferred. I'll continue to try and send pictures in different ways.

This week my testimony of Fasting was strengthened :) Fasting is an awesome tool. If for nothing else than it helps you see the hand of God in your life :) To see what he has done for you and for others :) Take advantage this Sunday to fast for a purpose and don´t forget to pray!

D&C 42:14 - And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach.

D&C 103:36 :) - All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith.

All is well :) love ya´ll

Elder Hall

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